Wednesday, 11 December 2019


I should also try to improve a bit the steering feel, and try to enable FFB, but so far, the game seems to be fun at least for a week hehe. I may have bumped the difficulty up and come slightly unstuck with my RWD car on a fast bend Haha, most of the time when I have the difficulty level high and crash, either the game freezes for a few secs, or crashes Btw the file is up now, http: I could also upload my parts folder? The thing that pisses me off is that it never hangs on the same event, it crashes while cruiding, during track load, at the garage Quote from ATC Quicksilver: slrr editor 2.2.1 mwm

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So I hade to start it over with a car that at least had an engine already mounted Now I'm tring to explore the city, the first time it crashed after 20 meters, waiting for it to load for a second try slow as hell.

Contact Us name Please enter your name. Try this site http: Ah right cool, np. Not that I know off, there is a Forza Motorsports mod .22.1 made - I think the guy is gonna release a beta soon. Also what OS are you running? This is what my car looks like now lsrr fixed Quote from ATC Quicksilver: The thing that pisses me off is that it never hangs on the same event, it crashes while cruiding, during track load, at the garage Everything bellow is copied and pasted from slrrr original site, but edited to suit the workshop.

Okay well that means they lied in their FAQ, which said free accounts can download 1 file of any size per hour.

Then click 'Edit Wheels' Choose the Wheel that needs editing from the drop down Exitor, then edit the numbers under it. My hardware is more than enough to run this game, even if it needed DirectX 11 hehe I've just downloaded that file, and executed from the folder.

I'm thinking about downloading a stick version, without any mods. Windows 7 64 bits, running the game as admin WinXP compatibility does not work neither.

Engines for Street Legal Racing Redline

Igo Primo 2 4 Windows Central. The files worked, mostly, had to remove a few of the.

SLRReditor is able to edit many aspects of a cars configuration, wheel height, position, engine type and position, etc. My parts folder and engines are in the same file, http: Looks good, glad it's partly working for ya lol Do all the parts work?

Nice one mate, downloading it now.

slrr editor 2.2.1 mwm

P The cars and parts are in that file, the game isn't. Oh and I hit a wall so hard in that Mazda that it crashed my game. Ah kk, yeah it's strange, my game works perfect, never crashes randomly - only when I click on the used dealership lol.

Virtual Stance Works - SLRR Editor

I guess you know how to eeitor it in if you could post them as a separate upload, i'd appreciate it I already have MWM thanks: A bit odd, looks like a bit of a con to me. I'll have to find the cause myself, righ?

slrr editor 2.2.1 mwm

I will look for some other upload sites. With the city, I have to alt-tab to Windows, then back into the game and the map will load instantly. To add more engines: This page is hosted for free by cba.

slrr editor 2.2.1 mwm

You mean a standard 2. Feel free to read the Readme that's included, since it might be important. Just uploaded it but it says you need a premium account to download it?

This is why crashing into a bus at mph is a bad idea Haha, most of the time when I have the difficulty level high and crash, either the game freezes for a few secs, or crashes Btw the file is up now, http: I may have bumped the difficulty up and come slightly unstuck with my RWD car on a fast bend

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