Monday 9 December 2019


I need to borrow this comment from SD3D at cgtalk since my English is not that good. This tool is very much a double edged knife. There is no need for this to get heated, were mostly all adults and professionals here I hope Personally Ill probably forget about this plugin going forward and look for alternatives to add to my digital toolbox. If it was always about respect and he wanted to us to show our gratitude, how do we do that? I think he should have just changed the download to require a minimum payment for just sell the darn thing for 5 bucks as a micro transaction. There isn't anything else like it, so there are some responsibilities there. guruware ivy

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guruware ivy

Matchmove reel update - Peter Rabbit. No wonder why more and more people stop giving out all together. It provides plenty of powerful customization settings and the developer makes available sufficient documentation to learn working with it quickly.

Additional adjustments touch on refining the looks of the ivy plant so that it fits the scene. I would encourage the dev to let things settle, then look at the options.

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It's a little more involved but has an extra level of control. A lot of people use that on a daily basis.

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His rant for not making money i believe is his own fault. My advice to you, make that v1. Long as gurjware can find someone willing to share it, so they can get it for nothing, then they will and the end result would have been the same. He never expected the money. Here's a quick demo of someone using it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, that's life. Gumload would not help. He opened that door himself.

You can only give 0. No need to get emotional. guruwaee

Sounded like he hasn't totally ruled out bringing it back to life. Put a price tag on your product if you want to be paid for it, or take the ignorance with grace and learn a guuware on why capitalism is the way it is, and why communism failed. I can atest that I donated once to the developer. Give the guduware a break.

Guruware - Ivy for Max Both these things can be used to show the opposite, disdain, using negative comments and insulting donations. And especially over that long time as he has done.

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Originally posted by peterguthrie View Post. What does he get instead? Originally posted by gandhics View Post.

guruware ivy

This is a small gueuware of evidence of that, but I assure you there is much more. The list of settings provided in the configuration panel allow defining various parts of the growing process as well as adjust the values for making it look right. Sometimes it really is just one straw that breaks the camels back. You know like gurjware psychopath…?

If I gave something for free for people, now I have moral responsibility?

Sorry to hear that.

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